Thursday, April 9, 2009

Finding Peace in the Storm or This Week's Recepie

(A shot from the filming that won't be used because we forgot to clean the lens before hand. Ooops.)

'Finding Peace in the Storm' was the theme of my class on Monday. I chose the theme to remind myself of what I need most to remember at the moment. We all live busy lives choosing to fill up our time with different recipes of activities.

My recipe at the moment reads something like this:

4 square meters of packed boxes
3 days of filming a Yoga DVD
1 weekend of Voiceover recording for the same Yoga DVD
14 dyed Easter eggs with the kids
A healthy dose of check check for my upcoming Sicily Yoga Holiday
7 late nights
7 busy nights with kids waking and needing snuggles
1 green party bonfire in a cave
1 Good Friday Procession
A splattering of yoga teaching and practicing
Some dashes of blogging

Take all the ingredients, mix them vigorously together in a big bowl while laughing and yelling and singing. Bake in the oven until golden or burnt, depending on your mood.

Take out of the oven and enjoy, because hell we only got this one busy fabulous life to live.

Peace and chaos,

(The man, my love, behind it all.)

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